Holiday Parents Mixer event

Come gather for an evening together to help our students!

Well 80‘s back room has a max of 40, but likely people might come and go during the 3 hours since it is a busy week with other holiday events going on. The more food we eat, the more we’ll make for our students!  

Please rsvp to help us keep track for planning purposes.  Thank you for your support and please share with friends! Our holiday event is there on December 12, 2024 at Well 80 downtown Olympia.

The more interesting donations we keep adding to the online auction, it will be more successful for all.  Here are the links of online auction:

What you need are to spread words and donate at least one item or services for CHSPO. Please upload pics through google form.

Spring Craft Fair and Car Show

Our CHSPO Cougar Craft Fair and Car Show Fundraiser on Saturday, April 20th was an overwhelming success with perfect weather and over 100 amazing vehicles–some from over an hour away!

We are grateful to Olympia businesses who generously contributed to our day.

To Find out the many ways CHSPO supports the school and its students, Click Here.